Monday, August 27, 2012

How Much Yogurt to Take to Cure Yeast Infection?

Yeast infection is ragingly experienced nowadays. Although it is a normal occurrence for every person with fungus in their body, this matter tends to become serious since not the entire entire diagnosed are treated well. Herewith, numerous patients then experienced the severe conditions with such infections.

Yeast infections are common with women. Hence, 75% of the entire women population encounters this type of infection. As fungus is naturally present in the human’s body, women tend to experience fungus abnormalities at times when their vaginal nature tends to drop acidity level. At which point, the fungus is given the great chance to reproduce, that then resulted to a vaginal infection.

As it involves a very private matter, women never speak about this, more importantly with their doctors. As they sees that this infection brought shame and embarrassment, they leave themselves buying over the counter drugs for them to temporarily heal the irritableness that goes along with the itchy feeling. However, little of what they know, these antibiotic drugs they intake actually helps the fungus to multiply even more. Thus, it actually helps them worsen their condition.

If shame and embarrassment is still placed first, rather than seeking any medical expert, and rather than buying antibiotics and taking any remedies that aren’t surely safe, home-made remedies are advised for you.

One of the natural yeast infection cures that is certainly safe for every person diagnosed with yeast infection is the yogurt drink. It can be for both men and women.

Yogurt drink contains Lactobacillus acidophilus that helps in fighting against the fungus reproduction, leaving it then normally balance. However, not all yogurt drinks are safe. It is importantly advised that you must be sure to have the one without any sugar content for it may lead in opposing the treatment. Plain yogurts are the best.

Ensure that the yogurt you have actively contains Lactobacillus acidophilus for it is the one that surely works against yeast infections.

You may apply this in two possible ways. Oral treatment refers to drinking the bottled yogurt. It is easier when you aren’t at home. Drinking yogurt, and bringing yogurt along with you for a daily consistent treatment.

On the other hand, you can as well apply the yogurt directly on the affected area. With this, be sure enough you got the plain yogurt – the ones with no sugar or flavoring content. Apply it around the affected area or (for women) dip with a tampon and insert it in yourself for a more appealing result.

Yogurt intake or application should be done consistently for a better result. Hence, it is advisable to take 8-12oz of yogurt drink in a week; for consistent addition of good bacteria in your body that helps in banishing the bad ones.

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