Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Yeast Infection - How does It Affect Men?

yeast in our body
Yeasts are naturally found in the human's body. Thus, whenever it encounters and unbalanced situation, everyone can experience the yeast infection. Yeast infections are very common nowadays. It is due to the rapid reproduction of fungi in our body, by which it outnumbered the good bacteria. The acidity level of our body keeps the fungi and bacteria in a balance state. However, in times that our body's acidity level drops down, it gives the fungi a great opportunity to multiply. Herewith, yeast infection will then exist.

Our body's acidity level usually drops down in times of hormonal changes. Although women are more likely prone to this phase, men as well can encounter yeast infection due to some other reasons.

Yeast infections triggers for those who are diabetic, those who have steroids, those who does not value proper hygiene, those who are highly taking antibiotics, and those who have unhealthy diet. Basically, yeast does multiply in times when the acidity level drops down. So, all means that might lower down the acidity level can be prone to the infection.

Yeast infection usually occurs in those areas that are always damp - mouth, skin, genital areas, and breasts (for lactating women). Unlike women's vaginal yeast infection, men who are encountering this type of infections are harder to treat. Thus, it is highly important for men to medicate themselves as soon as they perceive some symptoms.

Just like the women's yeast infections which commonly occurs within their vagina, men will also encounter itchiness, redness, burning pains while urinating, and uncomfortable sensation during sexual intercourse.  Along with these, men may also feel irritableness, and discomfort; hence, en endless itch can break down their self-esteem as well.

Taking antibiotics are highly discouraged for all yeast infected patients. Thus, home-made remedies are best to treat this type of infections. Men can treat themselves through oral medications which includes taking up lactobacillus drinks and cranberry juices. Avoid yeast related foods and too much sugar intake. Hence, it is necessary to change diet plans, as a great start to help yourself avoid from the infection. Otherwise, for a rapid relief, non-medications includes applying of tea tree oil to the infected area and rubbing garlic cloves. Furthermore, it is important to value personal hygiene before anything else. Avoid wearing damp clothes. Fungi loves to multiply in wet clothes. Herewith, keeping our body physically fit, as well as keeping our immune system on the right track can greatly help ourselves to refrain from any unwanted diseases.

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