Thursday, September 13, 2012

Yeast Infection Treatment - Natural vs. Doctor's Prescription

Having a yeast infection is a very common thing. However, despite of its natural occurrence, questions like "Which yeast infection treatment is better: Natural or Doctor's Prescribed Medicine?" still exists. Although these diseases vary across all individuals, it primary cause is just a single reason.

These infections solely rise from those damp, moist areas in our body. Parts like mouth, skin, genital areas, and breasts (for lactating women), are prone into such disease. Yeasts highly reproduce in moist areas.

But, what really are yeast infections? Yeasts are natural component in our body system. These fungi are commonly called candida albicans. Candida fungi, however, are usually mistaken as the yeast infection itself. Altogether candida fungus, with the good bacteria in our body, these two fungi keep track of each other's quantity, ensuring they are of the same number. Our body's acidity levels what keeps these fungi in a balance notion; to avoid any health complexities. But, there are some instances by which this level is still disturbed. Instances like too much intake of antibiotics, increases the sugar-level and decreases down the acidity one. In this case, whenever the acidity level drops down, gives the candida fungi a very perfect time to multiply. Outnumbering the good bacteria then creates a yeast infection.
In all types of yeast-related diseases, its primary symptoms basically include itch, burns, and pains. Yet, among all types, women are more likely prone into experiencing one.  Since women regularly experiences hormonal changes, vaginal yeast infection is usually common among them. Hence, approximately 75% of the entire women population are diagnosed in such infection at some time in their lives.

Vaginal yeast infections symptoms include a very irritable itch around the vagina. It also makes the women feel a burning sensation whenever their pee touches their vaginal skin. In addition, they will also find themselves difficult to urinate, as well as a very painful feeling during sexual intercourse. A white cottage-cheese-like discharge with a very unpleasant odour highly indicates as well that an individual is undergoing such infection.

As yeast is a natural part of our body system, treating its related infections come in natural means too. Garlic is one of the most effective ways to cure yeast infection. Garlic is known for its anti-fungal property; in which it is perfect to fight against unwanted fungi. Moreover, there are several various home-made treatments that can suit your preferences. It can be through oral-medications or by topical applications. Oral medications include an increase intake of garlic. It is highly advised as well to change your diet meal plans; for it may be the foods you are eating that placed you into such situation. Moreover, taking lactobacillus and cranberry juices can help too. On the other hand, topical applications include those of tea tree oil, and/or by rubbing garlic cloves onto the infected area.
Once diagnosed, it is highly advised to all patients not to take any medicines, especially antibiotics. Hence, it is however encouraged to value proper hygiene and proper diet. Otherwise, if symptoms persist, consult a doctor immediately. Thus, it is basically your own decision if you want to consult your doctor as the symptoms existed.

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